Mary C Williams Elementary

Soaring Towards Success!


Testing Information

2023-2024 Testing Dates

  • September 6th - 3rd Grade Reading BOG
  • October 24th - 4th Grade RTA Test
  • November 1st-3rd - 3rd Grade CogAT 
  • January 22nd-March 8th - ACCESS Test Window
  • February 26th-March 8th - NC Check-in #2 Window
  • April 22nd-26th - NC Check-in #3 Window
  • May 22nd - Grades 3-5 Reading EOG
  • May 23rd - Grades 3-5 Math EOG
  • May 24th - Grade 5 Science EOG
  • May 24th-May 29th - Make-up EOGs
  • May 29th - Grade 3 RTA Test

District Testing Information

Subject/Type: Universal Screener for Reading and Math
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  Students in grades K-8 are screened three times each year in math and students in grades 6-8 are screened three times each year in reading.
Administration Platform:  Online
What is it and why is it important? aimswebPlus™ is an online assessment, data management, and reporting system for the screening and progress monitoring of foundational math and reading skills for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8  
How are the results used?  The results help teachers identify strengths and weaknesses in foundational reading and math skills so they can plan for remediation and acceleration.
Subject/Type: Reading
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  Students in grades 4-5
Administration Platform:  Online
What is it and why is it important?  DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of measures that assesses the acquisition of literacy skills. The short (one minute) fluency measures can be used to monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.
How are the results used?  Teachers can use DIBELS results to help them design their overall instructional reading plan. While individual scores help teachers know who is struggling with a specific skill, the results of the group help teachers plan for whole group instruction.
NC Check-ins
Subject/Type: Benchmark assessments for all EOGs and EOC courses
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  All students in grades 3-8 and students enrolled in NC Math 1, English 2, Biology, and NC Math 3
Administration Platform:  Online
What is it and why is it important?  NC Check-Ins are interim assessments aligned to North Carolina grade-level content standards.  The end-of-grade (EOG) tests share a common question bank with the NC Check-Ins, which then exposes NC Check-In students to similar question types and rigor found on the EOGs.
How are the results used?  Teachers use these results to reflect on students’ learning progression of standards covered during instruction and to help support student learning.

State Testing Information

North Carolina Early Learning Inventory (NC ELI)
Subject/Type:  Kindergarten Entry
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  All Kindergarten students
Administration Platform: Paper/Pencil
What is it and why is it important?  The NC ELI measures kindergarten readiness in literacy, math, physical, personal and social skills.
How are the results used?  The results provide a baseline of student strengths and challenges and informs instruction for Kindergarten teachers.
Beginning of Grade 3 Reading Test (BOG3)
Subject/Type:  Reading
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  All students in grade 3
Administration Platform:  Online
What is it and why is it important?  The BOG3 test is the state’s mandated assessment to collect baseline data in reading.
How are the results used?  Results are used by the state to measure student growth between the beginning and end of the third grade year.
North Carolina End of Grade Tests (EOG)
Subject/Type:  Reading, Math, and Science
Required or Optional:  Required
Who takes it?  All students in grades 3-8
Administration Platform:  Online
What is it and why is it important?  The EOG assessments are state-mandated tests that measure students’ mastery of state standards in Reading, Mathematics and Science.
How are the results used?  The scores on these assessments are only one indicator of students' achievement. Students' scores on these assessments should always be considered along with all other information the teacher provides about students.